Sunday, January 28, 2007

Truly That Man Was The Son of God

URGENT! Please take the time to read the following, the life you save may be your own.

Young Billy Johnston of Lugapouke, NC is dying. On a recent trip with his family to Lake Nagapik just north of his home, Billy was infected by the rare coecanthlic splint---a type of parasitic fish found throughout the continental United States and portions of northern Mexico. The splint, also called a poon fish, swims up the urethra of the unwitting victim and on into the gonads of males. (It is passed out by females with no noticeable effects.) Once infected, the victims genitalia enlarge and larges doses of testosterone are delivered into the bloodstream. Young victims reach puberty far earlier than is normal. Adult victims die of blood loss to the brain, as their private areas swell to stupendous sizes.

It is too late for young Billy. There is no known cure and in a few years he will meet that same fate as an adult. In the meantime, he has burgeoning career in adult film.


Bill Gates has promised that for every one thousand times this message is forwarded via e-mail or MySpace, he will provide $5000 towards the draining of all lake in North America and that he will also personally purchase five copies of young Billy's first professional film, 'Fishnuts'.


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